Virginia Does Nebraska

Tales from an opinionated Red Head

Why High School Boys Keep Our Hearts June 21, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — virginiadoesnebraska @ 12:26 AM

I’m navigating the world of the single woman everyday. It’s difficult and exciting at the same time. But recently I’ve had an epiphany. The boys we grew up with think better of us than the guys we try to date: Fact.

Why? Well it’s simple. The guys we grew up with were our friends before any of us thought about relationships. We played sports, teased, and hung out with each other before we had other ulterior motives. It’s simple and sweet. We got along.

So now in our late 20s dare I mention approaching 30 it’s hard to find a new guy that knows us and has true respect for our eccentric and individual awesomeness.

Ok,ok, I know you are wondering my point. My point is, guys you meet in whatever city you are in, have no clue ( like your boys do) how great you are. You are another piece of meat to be conquered and maybe, they’ll pause for a second to see your awesomeness, or maybe they won’t.

But the boys you grew up with will always tell you your strengths and coach you in your weaknesses
, and that’s why I love them. They are the ones that counsel you when you feel like a loser because they truly believe that you are worthy of something good.

So cheers to the boys in our lives that love us and would kick some dumb guys ass if they are mean to us!


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